Tackling the Staircase Problem with Coding and Math

During his TED talk, Conrad Wolfram  describes computer programming as a means of recording procedures and processes and he offers that it is a great way to fully engage students and to check that they truly understand the concept being explored. He says that students gain intuition and experience in far greater quantities through programming and are able to tackle more challenging problems. Thus, they are “able to play with the math, interact with it, feel it. We want people who can feel the math instinctively. That's what computers allow us to do.” In other words, programming is an opportunity to do and understand mathematics!
With this in mind, let's take a look at the following problem:
How many different ways are there to climb a staircase with n steps (for example, 100 steps) if you are allowed to skip steps but not more than one at a time? 
 A programming approach to this problem was discussed by Maria Litvin during a panel discussion at the 2011 PyCon Conference.  Litvin’s approach begins by first listing the number of ways for n = 1 through 4 steps as follows.

n=1: 1 -->1 way
n=2: 1+1,2 --> 2 ways
n=3: 1+1+1,1+2,2+1 --> 3 ways
n=4: 1+1+1+1,1+1+2,1+2+1,2+1+1,2+2 --> 5 ways

Once we get to 5 steps, listing the number of ways becomes somewhat tedious.  Instead, let’s ask the computer to generate all sequence of 1s and 2s of length from 1 to n, and count the sequences for which the sum of the elements is equal to n.  But how do we ask the computer to do this? 

We can model the situation in a different way to take advantage of bitwise logical operators.  0 marks a step we step on; 1 marks a step we skip. A valid path cannot have two 1s in a row and also must end with a 0If not, then all n steps were not climbed.  So we restate the problem as “count all sequences of 0s and 1s of length n with no two 1s in a row and discard sequences that end in 1s.”

If we look at n=4, the valid sequences would then be:

Let’s take a look at the code in Python using this strategy:    

def countPaths(n):
    count = 0

We name the function countPaths that takes as its input the number of steps in the staircase and returns count, the number of ways to climb n steps if you’re allowed to skip steps but not more than one at a time.  We also set the counter, count at 0.

The script to create a list of numbers that when written in binary code are all possible sequences of 1s and 0s of length n is:

    for x in range (0,2**n,2):

In Python, (2**n) denotes 2 to the nth power, and range (0,2**n,2) will generate a list of all the even numbers from 0 to 2**n-1  so that 2**n will not be included in the list and 2**n -2 is the last number on the list.  Thus, we first discard the sequences that end in 0 by discarding the odd numbers.   In her presentation, Litvin doesn’t remove the sequences that end in 1 in the body of the code but takes this into account by the way she calls the function once the program is written.   

Next we use bitwise logical operators, << and &, that operate on numbers, but instead of treating a number as if it were a single value, they treat it as if it were a string of bits (0 or 1), written in binary code. 

x << y returns x with the bits shifted to the left by y places (and the new bits on the right-hand side are zeros). This is equivalent to multiplying x by 2**y. 

x & y does  a "bitwise and". Each bit of the output is 1 if the corresponding bit of x AND of y is 1, otherwise it's 0.

The script that tests whether the sequence of 1s and 0s has no two 1s in a row is:

        if x & (x<<1)==0:
            count = count + 1
    return count

If the binary representation of x does not have two 1s in a row, then when the sequence is shifted 1 place to the left and aligned to the original sequence, there are no columns with two 1s so that the output of x & (x<<1) will be all 0s.  For example, if we begin with the sequence 00010100010, shifting the sequence 1 place to the left and adding a 0 at the right will result in 00101000100.  Align the two sequences from the right-hand side and you will see there are no columns that have two 1s. 


Now begin a sequence that has two 1s and shift the sequence 1 place to the left and add a 0 at the right.  When you align the two sequences from the right-hand side, the output has at least one 1 in the sequence.


Therefore, if the output is 0, then the sequence is valid and we add it to the count. 

When we print the number of paths for n = 1 through 100, we see a fascinating result emerge.  The number of paths for n steps is the nth Fibonacci number (as we are considering the 0th and 1st terms of the Fibonacci sequence as 1 and 1.)  Recall that the Fibonacci sequence is a sequence of numbers for which each term is the sum of the 2 previous terms. 

Why do we see that the number of paths for n steps is the nth term in the Fibonacci sequence? 

Let’s go back to HOW we can climb 4 steps:

How do these ways relate to how we can climb 3 steps?  If we know all the ways to climb 3 steps, then we can add a 2-step to each way to climb 5 steps.  Similarly, if we know all the ways to climb 4 steps, we can add 1-step to each way to climb 5 steps.  Since we are allowed only to use 1-steps and 2-steps, we have exhausted all the ways to climb 5 steps! 

Add a 2-step to each way to get 2 steps: 1+1+2, 2+2

Add a 1-step to each way to get 3 steps: 1+1+1+1, 1+2+1, 2+1+1

Once we see this relationship mathematically, we can compute the number of ways to climb n steps by simply creating a code that generates the nth Fibonacci number such as below.

def countPaths_fibo(number_of_steps):
    if number_of_steps == 0:
        return 1
    elif number_of_steps == 1:
        return 1
If there are 0 steps or 1 step, then there is only 1 way to climb either staircase. 

        f_nminus1, f_n=1,1

We designate f_n as the last term in the Fibonacci sequence thus far, and f_nminus1 as the second-to-last term. 

        for i in range(number_of_steps-1):

We repeat the following instructions (number_of_steps -1) times.

            f_nminus1 = f_nminus1+f_n
            f_nminus1,f_n = f_n,f_nminus1
        return f_n

These instructions return the next term in the sequence by reassigning to f_n the value of the 2 previous terms. 

The advantage of analyzing the mathematics behind the task is that to run the original script using bitwise operators requires much more time as the number of steps increase.  Because the number of sequences that have to be checked by the bitwise logical operator increases at an exponential rate (2^n), the student may have to wait several minutes before receiving the results of the program when asked to calculate how many ways to climb 100 steps.  This example illustrates how mathematical understanding enhances programming skills by helping students create more efficient scripts to accomplish a given task.

Next, we see how creating different algorithms to solve a given problem can reveal quite interesting connections among various ideas in mathematics.

We now approach the task of calculating the number of possible ways to climb 100 steps in a completely different manner.  First let’s tackle the question of how many possible ways there are to climb 10 steps.  Since we can only use “one-steps” (ones) and “two-steps” (twos), we could climb 10 steps by using 10 ones.  We could also climb 10 steps by using 8 ones and 1 two.  Because we can skip a step at any point, there are there are C(9,1) different ways to climb 10 steps using 8 ones and 1 two.  C(9,1) represents the number of combinations of 1 object from a set of 9 objects.  Next, we could climb 10 steps by using 6 ones and 2 twos, but there are C(8,2) different ways to climb 10 steps using 6 ones and 2 twos.  We can continue in this way until we exhaust all the different ways to climb 10 steps.

10 ones                                There are C(10,0) ways to climb 10 steps.
8 ones and 1 two                 There are C(9,1) ways to climb 10 steps.
6 ones and 2 twos               There are C(8,2) ways to climb 10 steps.
4 ones and 3 twos               There are C(7,3) ways to climb 10 steps.
2 ones and 4 twos               There are C(6,4) ways to climb 10 steps.
5 twos                                 There are C(5,5) ways to climb 10 steps.

Thus, the number of possible ways to climb 10 steps = C(10,0) + C(9,1) + C(8,2) + C(7,3) + C(6,4) + C(5,5).

Suppose there are 11 steps overall.  Then the number of possible ways to climb 11 steps would be: C(11,0) + C(10,1) + C(9,2) + C(8,3) + C(7,4) + C(6,5).

Notice that for each term, C(n,r),  (n+r) is equal to the total number of steps.  This lends itself nicely to an algorithm.  First we must define functions for the factorial of a number and combinations of r objects from a set of n objects.  Then we need to distinguish between whether the number of steps is even or odd.  The script follows:

def numberPaths(number_of_steps):

We are defining a function called numberPaths which takes the number of steps (number_of_steps) as the input value and returns the number of possible ways there are to climb number_of_steps steps if you are allowed to skip steps but no more than 1 step at a time.

    def factorial(n):
        if n == 0:
            return 1
This is the base case of the recursive function to find the factorial of a number, n.

            return n * factorial(n-1)

This is the recursive part of the function that calls the function itself with factorial(n-1).

    def combination(n,r):
        return int((factorial(n)/(factorial(r)*factorial(n-r))))

This is the definition to find the number of combinations of r objects from a set of n objects.

    count = 0

We set the counter count at 0.

    if number_of_steps %2==0:
        for i in range (int(number_of_steps/2+1)):
            combos = combination(number_of_steps -i,i) 
            count = count + combos

Recall that range(j) gives us a list of numbers from 0 through (j-1).  Thus, this section states that if number_of_steps is an even number, then we will add to count:

C(number_of_steps,0) + C(number_of_steps -1,1) + C(number_of_steps -2,2) + … + C(number_of_steps /2, number_of_steps /2). 

For example, if number_of_steps is equal to 6, then we will add to the count: C(6,0)+C(5,1)+C(4,2)+C(3,3) since the range(6/2+1)=[0,1,2,3].

        for i in range (int((number_of_steps +1)/2)):
            combos = combination(number_of_steps -i,i)
            count = count + combos

Similarly for odd numbers, we add to count:

C(number_of_steps,0) + C(number_of_steps -1,1) + …
+ C([number_of_steps -(number_of_steps +1)/2-1],[(number_of_steps+1)/2-1]). 

For example, if k is equal to 7, then we will add to the counter:
C(7,0) + C(6,1) + C(5,2) + C(4,3) since the range ((7+1)/2) = [0,1,2,3].

    return int(count)

The final step is to return count which is now equal to the total number of ways to climb number_of_steps steps. 

If we compare the results from the previous algorithm with this one, we see that the sum of the number of combinations for which (n+r) is a constant is equal to a term of the Fibonacci sequence!  Let’s examine why this is so.

When teaching combinations many mathematics teachers show students the relationship between Pascal’s triangle and the combinations of r objects from a set of n objects.

Pascal’s triangle starts by writing the number 1 at the top which is considered row 0.  Then, to construct the terms in the row below, add the number above and to the left with the number above and to the right to find the new value. If there is not a number above either to the right or to the left, then substitute a zero in its place.  Rows 0 through 7 of Pascal’s triangle are shown below:

1          1
1          2          1
1          3          3          1
1          4          6          4          1
1          5          10        10        5          1
1          6          15        20        15        6          1
1          7          21        35        35        21        7          1

How is this related to combinations?  If we consider the left-most entry in each row as part of column 0, an entry to the right as part of column 1, and so on, then each entry in Pascal’s triangle represents C(n,r) where n is the row number and r is the column number.  See below:

C(1,0)  C(1,1)
C(2,0)  C(2,1)  C(2,2)
C(3,0)  C(3,1)  C(3,2)  C(3,3)
C(4,0)  C(4,1)  C(4,2)  C(4,3)  C(4,4)
C(5,0)  C(5,1)  C(5,2)  C(5,3)  C(5,4)  C(5,5)
C(6,0)  C(6,1)  C(6,2)  C(6,3)  C(6,4)  C(6,5)  C(6,6)
C(7,0)  C(7,1)  C(7,2)  C(7,3)  C(7,4)  C(7,5)  C(7,6)  C(7,7)

Thus, we see that C(n,r-1)  + C(n,r) = C(n+1,r) according to how the entries of Pascal’s triangle are calculated. 

Now we go back to the question sparked by the two different algorithms for finding the number of ways to climb 100 steps:  Why is it that the sum of the number of combinations for which (n+r) is a constant is equal to a term of the Fibonacci sequence?  Ron Knott elegantly explains this relationship between the Fibonacci sequence and Pascal’s triangle. (http://www.maths.surrey.ac.uk/hosted-sites/R.Knott/Fibonacci/fibmaths.html#pascal) Let’s rewrite Pascal’s triangle so that it is left-justified and examine the sum of the diagonals, three of which are highlighted below.  We see the Fibonacci sequence emerges!
Diagonal Sum = 8
Diagonal Sum = 13
Diagonal Sum = 21
Next we rewrite the entries of the left-justified Pascal’s triangle with the combinations of r objects from a set of n object

As expected, the terms in the diagonal whose sum is a term of the Fibonacci sequence contains combinations for which (n+r) is a constant.  Note that in this Pascal’s triangle, each entry is the sum of the number directly above and the number above and to the left (since we left-justified the columns.)  Thus:
C(6,1)=C(5,1) + C(5,0)         
C(5,2)=C(4,2) + C(4,1)
C(4,3)=C(3,3) + C(3,2) 
If we set Fk as the kth term of the Fibonacci sequence, and Fk-1 and Fk-2 as the (k-1)th and (k-2)th terms of the Fibonacci sequence, respectively, we see that the sum of the terms in the blue diagonal (Fk) is equal to the sum of the terms in the yellow diagonal (Fk-1) plus the sum of the terms in the green diagonal (Fk-2).  Thus, we see why the sum of the number of combinations for which (n+r) is a constant, k results in the kth term of the Fibonacci sequence. 
Who would have imagined all of these mathematical connections when first encountering the question of how many ways there are to climb 100 steps if you’re allowed to skip steps but no more than 1 at a time?  Tackling this problem through programming using different algorithms led to a truly rich discussion of the connections among combinations, Pascal’s triangle, and the Fibonacci sequence.


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